As I am typing this, we are both bursting with excitement! We have something pretty epic planned out for the next few days and can’t wait to share it with you! As most of you know, we are now currently in Europe trying to travel on an extreme budget. While we are budgeting properly, cooking in, having picnics all over, and couchsurfing, we are also planning to travel to 5 countries in one day. Yes, you heard me!
So since we arrived in Europe, we spent the first week traveling down the South of France with Tom’s family. We were spoilt silly staying in nice hotels, eating good food, and naturally drinking lots of wine! It was pretty unreal and was a great break for backpackers like us as we got to truly enjoy what was around us without having to worry so much about our budget!
READ: Our Guide to Planning your Dream EuroTrip
We got to spend a beautiful day in Paris as we enjoyed the crisp Autumn weather then did a road trip down the coast where we spent most of our time driving to small towns, soaking up the view, and enjoying each other’s company. Upon leaving Tom’s family, we ended up spending two more nights in Nice couchsurfing in a house with the most awesome view!
We absolutely LOVE couch surfing and all the awesome people you meet and cross paths with. When we got there, we put our planning hats on and began planning our trip. (READ: How to Survive Europe on a Budget)
We cannot even begin to describe our excitement about the idea of traveling Europe by train! We have outlined our rough route and will be going to quite a few places, seeing as much as we can in that one month. Although we didn’t plan everything to a tee, we have a rough route which we will be sticking to which will take us all over Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, and back up to France. Whew! What a mouthful. Although we know we won’t get to see everything in those countries, we are looking forward to sampling a bit of what each place can offer.
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5 Countries, 5 Meals, 15 Hours
When we first started toying with the idea of going country hopping in one day to make the most of our rail passes, we thought we would aim for three countries. After a while, we thought why not up it to five countries? After all, as the popular saying goes, go big or go home! So we thought up this grand plan of having five meals in five countries in fifteen hours. Ambitious? Yes. Impossible? No. To be honest, I don’t know what I am more excited about. The fact that we will be hopping around in trains or the fact that I can justify eating five meals in one day. Hah!
So on November 13, follow our journey on Snapchat (@travelwithus) and Twitter (@adventurein_you) as we document our 5 meals in 5 countries mission. We are looking to travel from The Netherlands-France-Belgium-Luxembourg-Germany stopping at each place to eat traditional food known in their country.
Wish us luck, share the journey, and hope that we don’t miss any trains!
✨The 1 Thing We Never Leave Home Without…✨
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READ: The Best Ways to Travel around Europe!
Great story , I like it